General Practitioner's Guide To Work in Australia

Working with GPs in Australia is similar to in the UK. General Practitioners check the patients for various physical & mental health issues. Be it a chronic problem or a regular health checkup. The growth of the digital work culture has led to paperless practices, where doctors record their work on computers. In a medical organization, an average of 4 to 6 GPs work full-time/part-time with nurses, technicians & other medical staff. If you're looking for GP Jobs in Australia, then this guide can be of great help. Let's take a look at some points that will make your life as a General Practitioner easy.

General Practitioner's Guide To Work in Australia

Eligibility Criteria

The first thing is to get a medical degree from AN accredited medical school. Afterward, a 1-year post-graduate internship in a reputed public hospital is required. Undertaking an Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency registration is required. You have to complete a 1-year residency in another accredited hospital. Membership of FRACGP (Fellowship of the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners) (3 years) or FACRRM (Fellowship of the Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine) (4 years) is the next step. The final step towards becoming eligible for GP Jobs in Australia is the completion of all relevant exams.

Restriction of Location

To be eligible for a provider number, GPs in Australia are subject to the District of Work Shortages (DWS) locations. The latest Medicare billing statistics are updated on an annual basis to analyze the workforce's composition & geographic distribution. Areas around 30 km away from the metropolitan areas are known as DWS areas. Before applying for any GP Jobs in Australia, one should always keep the location factor in mind.

Earnings & Billings

In Australia, GP practices include private billing, bulk billing, or mixed billings. In personal billings, cash is charged from the patients. Bulk billing is when patients pay through Medicare. Mixed billing is the combination of both private & bulk billings. The money earned through these billings is split between the practices & the GP. The General Practitioner gets around 65% of the gross billings. This makes an earning of about $200000 to $250000 for the General Practitioner.

All these three factors should be considered before applying for any GP Jobs in Australia. One should always read the terms & conditions of the job opportunity. Qualifications should be relevant. There are many agencies that help candidates to find their dream medical job in a hassle-free manner. Medfuture is one of the best medical recruitment agencies in Australia. Contact us now & we will guide you through the process.
